Placentia Round Table Women’s Club
Welcome to the Placentia Round Table Women’s Club. We are a nonprofit philanthropic organization committed to serving our community since 1902. Our general membership meeting is held the first Wednesday of each month, September through May, and starts at 10:00 am. At these meetings, we discuss Club activities, celebrate events, enjoy lunch and learn from guest speakers or groups. We welcome first-time attendees so come and check us out.
Upcoming Events…

Begins Tuesday, March 11, 2025
6:00pm – 9:00pm
Wedding Expo

Sunday, March 23, 2025
2:00pm – 5:00pm
Mahjong Tournament

Wednesday, March 26, 2025
10:00am – 7:00pm
Placentia Round Table sponsors a variety of exciting fundraising events each year. During the summer, our members meet to assemble over 2000 packages of our renowned Friendship Soup which we sell at various fall and holiday boutiques/craft fairs. In November, the Club hosts the Festival of the Trees, a luncheon event held in a local hotel ballroom where guests have the opportunity to win beautifully decorated trees and silent auction items. In the Spring it’s time for our Bunco Bash, Club Dance, and End of Year party.
Each year, we consider a variety of groups to which we will contribute gifts, money, or grants from our fundraisers. Some of the local groups we support are H.I.S. House, Casa Teresa, Friendly Center, Meals on Wheels, Patriots and Paws, German Shepherd Rescue, Miss Placentia Program, American Veterans Memorial, Veterans at Fullerton College, and low-income students within the PYLSD schools. In addition, the Placentia Round Table supports other community organizations such as the library, local fire and police departments, the Chamber of Commerce, and Founders Society with grants, equipment, and volunteer hours. Our Club also gives over $20,000 annually in scholarships to local high school students and veterans.
There is always fun and laughter at Club events whether we are raising money or just participating in our “Section” activities. We offer a variety of Sections, and smaller groups that celebrate a common interest, such as Bookworms, Bunco, Bridge, Gourmet, and Scribes.
If you want to learn more about the Placentia Round Table Women’s Club, please reach out to us as we’re happy to answer your questions.