
The purpose of this club is to promote the educational, social welfare, literary, artistic, and scientific culture of the members and the community. We are a group of hard-working women who strive to make a difference where we find a need. As part of this group, we have the opportunity to socialize and make friends within this wonderful group of women.

Our luncheon meetings are held at the Clubhouse at 10:00 a.m. on the first Wednesday of each month, September through May. Our Board meetings are held at the Clubhouse at 9:30 a.m. the third Wednesday of each month September through May. Members who do not serve on the Board are always welcome to attend.

The membership form below describes details of membership.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email at

Meet Our President – Kathi Baldwin

Kathi Baldwin is the current president and proud 18-year member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs International, of which our local Placentia Round Table Women’s Club is a member.

Kathi is an active member of the Rotary Club of Placentia, where she served as Club President in 2022. She also served as club secretary for seven years and as a board member for two terms. Kathi has been named “Rotarian of the Year” in 2019, 2020, and 2021. Through Rotary, Kathi has participated in numerous club projects, such as Stop Hunger Now, Cowabunga, helping to build prosthesis for victims of land mines, LOVE Placentia, Relay for Life and more.

In 2012, Kathi was selected as “Citizen of the Year.”

Kathi was a volunteer with the Miss California Organization for over 20 years and for 15 years, she served as the Executive Director of the Miss Placentia Scholarship Program, at which time, she raised over $176,000.00 for scholarships.

Active in Girl Scouts, Kathi has been a Brownie, Junior and Cadette Leader, as well as the Service Unit Chairman for Placentia for five years and a three term Board Member for the Girl Scout of Orange County Board of Directors, Brownie Trainer and school organizer. She, her husband Glenn and their three daughters are lifetime members of the Girl Scouts of America.

Kathi has served as the President of the Placentia Chamber of Commerce for three terms and a board member for 10 years.

Kathi’s three daughters have all competed in the Miss America Program.

2024-2025 Executive Board


1st VP/Dean

2nd VP/Ways and Means

3rd VP/Programs


5th VP/Sections

Recording Secretary

Corresponding Secretary

Financial Secretary


Director of Finance


Public/Community Liaison


Ex-Officio Member Rental

Kathryn Baldwin

Cindy Lucido

Susan Hirzel & Karen Mangold

Lin Baesler

Diane Provenzano

Kathy T.

Anne Guse

Kin Deweese

Mary Kay McMahon

Loree MacMurtrie


Penny Wojcik

Carol Peterson

Wendy Queyrel & Rachel Drayer

Arlene Hall

Membership Forms